Last night was Halloween and we had a great time getting ready for it and trick or treating.
Here are a few pictures of our house on the inside...
A bat that T. made at S's

Our collection of things that light up

Spooky spider on our kitchen window

G. designed his own pumpkin this year. It turned out great!

While the carving took place, we snacked on orange an orange bowl!

T. was more of a bystander this year. Next year he'll probably help more
G. took his carving job very seriously.

Here are the finished products:
Voltar (G's costume) - designed and carved by P.

Wolverine claws, designed and carved by P.

Jack o lantern, designed by G., carved by P.

Here are all 3 outside on our driveway with the candy bowl and the sign we put up every year

Heading to a house with bag in hand!

T. is excited about something he just got!

At Grandma and Grandpa's

Waiting patiently

G. checking out what he got

It was a windy, cool Halloween night, but the boys didn't mind and they had a great time! Now to enjoy all of the candy! YUM!
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