This picture is totally out of sequence but I forgot to add it originally and I can't move pictures down to the bottom. I just love it. G. is looking at some geese flying in a "V".
Okay, now you can scroll down to read more....

This weekend G. and I went on an adventure to Ottawa to visit Auntie S! We took the train (6 hours each way) and spent the weekend seeing sights, eating great food and enjoying S's hospitality. Here are the MANY pictures.
I know this first picture is very blurry, so are a lot of others, but I still wanted to include them because they capture moments in our trip.
This is G. at the train station waiting for our train - and doing a word search

Here we both are at the train station

Cute G. on the train with his blanket

Funny thing, we went to the wrong station in Ottawa - who knew there is more than one! So we had some time to kill while S drove to get us! G. needed to burn off some energy after sitting for 6 hours, so he ran around the station pulling our suitcase with him!

We were lucky to be able to see them decorating the tree at the station.

It might be hard to see, but I like this line from this poster:"We all remember our first train ride" - thought it was fitting as it was G's first train ride!

So the first place we went to (after dropping our bags at S's house) was the Reptile Zoo. What a neat place! The first thing they had us do was to watch a show. Here is a snake eating a dead mouse in one gulp! It was freaky, disgusting and really cool all at the same time. G. loved it!

S. and G. watching the show

Sanchez showing us his wings

G. petting Sanchez (I know, so blurry!)

We each got to put canteloupe on the floor for this tortoise. He was almost touching my shoes, that's how close he was to us!

Ginormous snake!

Here is a super cute marmoset. They totally put on a show for us.

G. and I were both a bit freaked out by these huge alligators. They were massive!

A smaller alligator hanging out.

The next day (Saturday) we first went to the Canadian Mint. Couldn't resist getting G. to do this:

He has this guy in a stuffed animal and sleeps with him every night so he was thrilled to get to stick his head through this hole!

How could I resist joining in the fun?

G. and a Mountie Moose before we went into the Mint. This was the last picture we could take as they don't allow pictures inside. We took a tour of where they make the coins and medals for the Olympics. It was really neat.

Huge spider sculpture outside of a museum that we passed on our way from the Mint to lunch.

Important government buildings. S and I had no idea which ones they were. Thankfully there wasn't a test at the end of the trip!

Next stop: Canadian Museum of Civilization - which had a super cool Children's Museum in it.
We met up with an old friend of mine and her 7 year old boy. They had a blast exploring!
Thank you S. for having us at your super cute house in a super fun city!
Thank you G. for being my travel companion and for being so super good and fun! I'll always remember this trip with you!
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