Monday, May 28, 2012

Karate grading for G

G earned his purple belt last night at his karate grading! He did awesome!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hose time!

Hose time outside!

Not much better than this to a 5 year old!

My 40th Birthday!

Me taking a picture of P with my new camera!

Nothing better than a birthday celebration with the best family ever!

P made this after seeing it in a store in Seaside. LOVE!

For our evenings outside - our own fountain
That is one big 4-0!

Delicious Tiramisu P made for my birthday cake.

School trip with T!

I was able to go on a school trip with T last week. My first trip with him.
We went to the butterfly consevatory and had the best time!

Hutch's and Van Wagner's Beach

First fire of the season!

First trip to Safari!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pool time again June 2008

Pool time June 2008

And oldie but a goodie!

I was looking through old videos and pictures of G when he was Tristan's age and came across this. I don't think I have ever seen it. His voice is so high and he seems so little!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Phone photo dump!

April - getting ready for our trip!

New shades!

His happy place

My happy place - Starbucks!

Park action!

First trip to Purple Pony of the season!

Spoiled on Mother's Day

Delicious crepes made by P and the boys. They were delish!