Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween: Part 1

The boys both had Halloween parties today and on Tuesday T. and I went to one at story time.
It's been a fun week, getting ready for the big night!
Here is T. as Optimus Prime - he is in LOVE with this costume.
Here he is at daycare reluctantly digging out the pumpkin. Apparently this look means: "Okay so I touched it, can I be done now?"
Every year at G's school they have a parade so the kids can show off their costumes to the other kids and parents who can go. I've been lucky enough to go every year (although I think I missed the first year because I didn't know about it) Here is G. all dressed up today. I must say, this costume was all P's doing. Isn't it awesome? Not only did he work on it late into the night right before he left for Calgary, but he worked on it IN Calgary and couriered the finished product to me.
G. was over-the-moon excited about it.

That's G's teacher in the background. Isn't that awesome? All of the teachers get so into Halloween at this school. I love it.
More pictures to come following the big event tomorrow night!!! It will be T's first time trick-or-treating - should be lots of fun!

So much going on!

So first: T. had his second swimming lesson and it went...well....swimmingly! He went into the pool room and I waited at the door, fully anticipating that I'd be there crouched on my knees for 1/2 an hour. About 30 seconds later he said "You can go now mommy". Music to my ears! He did so well and absolutely loved it! Hooray T!
With the H1N1 becoming more and more prevalent in our area (our school now has an outbreak), we've been reading up on how to prevent it and finding out about the vaccine. I already have T. vaccinated and I'm going to try to get G. and I done this evening. If the lineup is massive, we'll go next Friday when we have an appointment. I just feel the need to get them both done ASAP.
Halloween is tomorrow!!! We've been busy getting treats ready for school/daycare, finishing costumes and decorating outside and in. It's one of our favourite times of year and we like to go all out!
Finally...P. is home tomorrow!!!! Hooray! We have missed him so much and cannot wait to see him and play and catch up! The boys have been so awesome and patient while he's been away - but boy are they going to be happy to see him!
So that's our busy week. H1N1, Halloween, swimming success and a homecoming. Sounds pretty good (well except for the H1N1 - go away bug!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Swimming lessons day one

I discovered today that looks can be deceiving, . This boy looks happy to be going to swimming lessons, right?This was his first solo lesson - no mommy or daddy with him. We've been talking about it for a looooong time - that he'd go on his own and that G. and I would watch him from the window. He was totally happy - until he had to walk into the pool area by himself. He had a total meltdown. He could not stop crying. Eventually I took him out and calmed him down. Then we went back and he cuddled with me in the doorway. Soon, he sat at the side of the pool by himself. Then he got into the pool, but didn't go where the other kids were. Then he approached the other kids and instructors and even did a few of the activities they were doing. Then the class was over.
Here's hoping next week is a bit easier for him - and me!
Man parenting can be hard sometimes!

Spooky fun!

The boys and I got out some decorations for the front of the house last night. They had a blast putting them up. Only 11 more sleeps!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Picking 2009

We took our annual trip to Lindley's farm today to pick out our pumpkins and do the hay ride and other activities they have there. It was a gorgeous day - we lucked out!

Here is our little devil... T. was very intrigued by the haunted house. He watched it for a very long time.

P. and G. on the hayride.
Cool reflection in P's glasses Cool T.Drink break
Hi mommy!
Pumpkin boy!
Found the perfect pumpkin!
Awesome sky - awesome Daddy and T.
P. and G. on the hayride
Brothers in pumpkins! Looking for the perfect one!
Feeding the duck

Sunday breakfast

We had a delicious big breakfast this morning. And this guy was watching us the whole time. It's G's Halloween costume that P. made last night. Awesome eh? This is the helmet and then he'll wear a red shirt and red pants. He's so excited. (G., that is - well P. is too!) G. and I worked hard to make the breakfast while P. and T. were at gymnastics. Turned out great! Sausages, turkey bacon and pancakes with smarties and chocolate chips! Mmmmm!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanksgiving at the Rockton Fair

We have had a great Thanksgiving weekend. A few dinners, one brunch - lots of yummy food! Today we decided to take the boys to the Rockton fair. Our first time ever. It was ccccold! But we all bundled up and it was lots of fun.
Here is T. on the bench of the merry-go-round. He was so cute. The horses were just a bit too scary for him. I was quite happy to sit with him and cuddle as it went around and around. It's just about my speed! G. on the other hand did about 8 rides and the most fast moving, high up in the air, crazy rides. Here he is on the huge slide. He loved this one. I think he did it 3 times!
Can you see P. and G? P. has a black hat on and G. has a grey hoodie.
This is called the Himalaya and it goes backwards the entire time! I am so happy P. likes rides like this. I DO NOT.
Here they are going to get on the Himalaya. I was happy P. was with G., not that he needed to be though. G. would have gladly gone on by himself.
And here is my cute not-so-daredevil as we wait for the merry-go-round to start. He sure was happy!

We are very thankful for each other and what we have. We feel very lucky to have a cute house, food on the table every night and warm beds to sleep in. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, October 9, 2009

T. dancing

I think we have a Baryshnikov on our hands. And perhaps an Elton John too.

Either way, he's our little star...oh and in case you couldn't tell, he's singing "Don't Stop Believing".

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Last Safari Trip of 2009!

T. and I took our last trip to the Lion Safari today. Unfortunately, G. had school so he couldn't join us. We're looking forward to more fun trips in 2010!

Run for the Cure 2009

Our family particpated in the Run for the Cure this past Sunday to raise money for Breast Cancer research. This was what my mom wanted to do instead of a party for her 60th birthday in November. Great idea! As you can see, lots of people came out for the 'run'. We walked it and had a great time! Thanks for the great idea, mom!