We have had a great Thanksgiving weekend. A few dinners, one brunch - lots of yummy food! Today we decided to take the boys to the Rockton fair. Our first time ever. It was ccccold! But we all bundled up and it was lots of fun.
Here is T. on the bench of the merry-go-round. He was so cute. The horses were just a bit too scary for him. I was quite happy to sit with him and cuddle as it went around and around. It's just about my speed!

G. on the other hand did about 8 rides and the most fast moving, high up in the air, crazy rides. Here he is on the huge slide. He loved this one. I think he did it 3 times!

Can you see P. and G? P. has a black hat on and G. has a grey hoodie.
This is called the Himalaya and it goes backwards the entire time! I am so happy P. likes rides like this. I DO NOT.

Here they are going to get on the Himalaya. I was happy P. was with G., not that he needed to be though. G. would have gladly gone on by himself.

And here is my cute not-so-daredevil as we wait for the merry-go-round to start. He sure was happy!
We are very thankful for each other and what we have. We feel very lucky to have a cute house, food on the table every night and warm beds to sleep in. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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