Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Potty day!!!!

So T. is learning to use the potty! He sat on it lots on the weekend, but no pee.
Yesterday his daycare provider put him in underwear and he went pee!!!!
So today I decided we would stay home, play games and stick close to the potty.
He drank one full cup of milk, a cup of juice and a half cup of milk and still hadn't gone!
THREE hours later, he told me he had to go - he sat and he went!!
I am so proud of him.
We'll see how he does from here, but he does seem to 'get it'.
Here are some of the things we've done today:
Baking cupcakes to take to S's house tomorrow to celebrate his birthday with his friends Making letters out of the Kerplunk sticks. He did these all by himself!
Playing this

And this...his first time and he totally cheated!

This is a fun game but it irritates me that it takes longer to set it up than it does to play it. Nevertheless we played it 4 times!

I am so glad I waited like I did with G. to potty train him. He is really ready for it now and we haven't had one power struggle over it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Long time no post!

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a week since I've posted something.
Guess we've been busy.
Let's see...what is new around our house.
Oh yes!
T. is now consistently sitting on the potty!
No pee yet, but we are thinking it is just a matter of time.
G. is enjoying theatre camp so much and is very excited about his upcoming show on Saturday.
We're excited to see it!
The boys' family party is this weekend, which they are very excited about.
And we had a little family reunion this weekend, which was a lot of fun!
So lots has been going on and not much has been posted about that.
I will try to be more on top of it!
Oh, one more thing. I think we got enough rain this past weekend to last us at least a year or so.
I am surprised we didn't float away!
I'll be in touch soon! Hopefully next time I'll have some pictures!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

He is 7!

I cannot believe that this boy is 7 today.
It is unbelievable to me that I have known him for only 7 years and yet it feels like those 7 years have gone by so quickly and that he was turning 2 just a few minutes ago!
My heart has definitely grown since that day.
I have learned so much about being a mommy and I am still learning so much each day.
He makes P. and I so proud and is one awesome boy.
Here's how he spent his day:
Opening his StarWars Lego Wii game...just a tad excited!Magic Treehouse Research book on Pirates...we have a thing for pirates in our house and the boys' family party is going to have a pirate theme. And G. LOVES Magic Treehouse. So it was a win-win present!
Two new Magic Treehouse books - numbers 29 and 30. He read 29 on our car ride today and loved it.
Tranformers Bumblebee. It says suitable for 4 year olds, but man is it hard!
Both boys were very excited about the huge Optimus Prime Transformer. Again, P. did most of the transforming. Hopefully G. will learn it soon too!
We had a birthday pancake, sausage and bacon breakfast. Lots of fun!
Then we headed to the beach to climb, throw and collect rocks!

After the beach, we headed here for ice cream. P. and I used to go here as teenagers and we hadn't been in over 10 years. It was fun to take the boys there!
It was a very fun and relaxing day. G. is now playing his new Wii game with P. as I post this. A great end to a great 7th birthday! We love you G! Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Party pics!

Today was G's 7th birthday party - he had 6 friends over to play games and eat snacks and cake with.

Here are the kids running through the house searching for the clues on the treasure hunt. The first child reads a clue, which leads them to another spot with a clue for another child to read. They keep reading and finding clues until the last clue leads them to a treasure. This year it was a bowl full of 'medals' which they all wore proudly the rest of the party!

Here is G. helping a friend play "Pin the Tail on Pikachu" All ready in his birthday shirt with his birthday pin on. I cannot believe he is turning 7!
He loves this game!Happy Birthday Boy!

Mmmm. Good cake Daddy!
Opening presentsCake with the candle.
All lit up!
Blowing out the big seven candle!Decorated living room!
I put a different Pokemon on each cup - the kids loved this!

It was a great party and I think the kids all had a fun time. They played dance freeze, musical pillows (our living room is too small for musical chairs), they had a pinata and lots of treats! Tomorrow is G's big day - he turns 7! This was a great lead-in to it.

'Tis the season...

This time of year always (well at least for the last 6 years) means party time! And we're starting this week with G's friend's party.
Here are some pictures of the preparations:

Pin the tail on Pikachu...
This is how Paul made the large picture of Pikachu, with a projector... Baking supplies for the cake...
The cakes just came out of the oven...
This is so I don't spill something on them!
The finished product...amazing eh? Paul outdid himself!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bronte Creek!

I cannot begin to explain how great a day the boys and I had today at Bronte Creek. It was hot, sunny and just perfect for a day of playing at the farm and swimming in the pool.

We started at the barn:
Taking a look at the pond of ducks along the way...

And a snake or two in the nature house...
Then they had a blast in the play barn. Climbing, running... Posing...

More posing...


And jumping!

By then we were all very hot and needed to cool off. So we went to the POOL!
The boys had a great game where they would both walk out into the deep part of the pool...
See how deep T. went? He was very brave!
And then G. would start to chase T. back to the shallow part...As you can see they both LOVED this game!
And they played it over and over!
This was our attempt at a picture of the 3 of us - really only got G's hat and eyes though!
I let them both pick out ANY treat they wanted from the store there. G. picked out this Triple Power Push Pop. Pretty sure it has more sugar than he's ever eaten in his whole life. But look at that happy face!

T. picked out ice cream. And ate about 3/4 of it. The other 1/4 is on his face!
It was a great day. And I was so happy to have this entire week with these two amazing boys! Thanks G. and T. for some awesome memories!