Today was the last gym class for T. and I. It was something we got to do together for 10 weeks and we both loved it. I finally remembered to take the camera to capture the fun we had!
This was his favourite vehicle to ride on. He would reluctantly share it with the other kids - mostly because I made him.

This picture is really blurry, but I love it so much. It is so T.
Little artist at work. He didn't spend much time at the craft sections...too much running and jumping to do!

And at the end of the class, we always had circle time. Here, he is clapping to "The More We Get Together". He would say his name in a cute, quiet voice when it was his turn. Great memories were made during these past 10 weeks - hopefully as many of them are his as they are mine. Thanks T. I loved going to 'gym' with you!
Now I see it. You were right it was at the bottom of the post but I don't think I ever scrolled down far enough. These photos are so great. He looks so grown up. Love, Mom