Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Great news times two!

So this boy received an excellent report card yesterday at school!
All A's and B's and really positive comments too.
We are very proud of him.
And then today at the Good News Assembly, he received an award for "Incredible Story Writing Using Assistive Technology" (ie. a computer)
Again, we are SO proud of him.
And don't you just love his new hair cut?

T. at play

This is what T. was doing tonight while I was making supper. He is so happy to play by himself after a day of playing with the boys at daycare.

Part of supper tonight...

This? So delish!

And I put it on this with blue cheese. Mmmmm!

Arts and crafts and other pics...

I thought it would be fun to post a few of the kids' pictures - and it's a way for me to keep them without overloading our house with millions of pieces of paper!

T's artwork from last week

G's artwork hanging over our kitchen table. We'll have to replace it with a more spring-like piece very soon!

T's artwork hanging over our kitchen table.

T's that he brought home today. I love how many different colours he uses!
I bought these little pots and the boys and I are going to plant marigold seeds soon and then transfer them outside in May or June. I think I'll get them to decorate the pots first.

And so it begins...

I put this out on the weekend.
We are going to officially start potty training in May, but thought it might be good to have it out for him to get used to it. He wants nothing to do with it. Oh please make that change by the time May rolls around!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finally adding the pictures!

We had such a fun time and T. almost walked the whole way there!
He went on the 'big boy swing' and did tons of climbing.

Friday, March 27, 2009

To be edited

Warm temps

This was my day.
Pictures to be added tomorrow when I get them on the computer.
All in all a fabulous day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Should I be offended?

T. and I were driving to daycare today, listening to his favourite - Rant & Roar by Great Big Sea.

I was singing along (quite well, I might add) and I hear this little voice from the back seat.

"Pardon, T?", I ask.

"Turn it up louder", he says

"Why?", I ask inquisitively

"I no like hear you sing", he replies.


Guess he just doesn't know talent when he hears it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


When I went back to work after having had G., it was so hard knowing I was going to have to leave him all day. We looked and looked for a good caregiver for him and just happened upon S. She is more than we could have ever asked for. She is caring, patient, does amazing activities with the kids and gives them so much love and attention that I have never once wondered if they were happy or not. It amazes me every day how she cares for 4 or 5 kids under the age of 4 on a daily basis - and always looks happy!
Going back to work after having had T. was SO much easier as we already had S. in place and I just knew he would thrive there like G. did. And boy was I right. Here are some recent pics of T. at S' house. And one huge bonus? Her daughter is a hair stylist and cuts T's hair while he is at daycare!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Smell that?

That is SPRING! I have never been so happy to have Spring arrive.
I am celebrating today by having our carpet and couches cleaned.
It smells so good in here and I didn't have to do a thing!
Welcome, Spring.
We plan on taking full advantage of all that you have to offer!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bath pics

My kids love the bath. They love colouring in the bath, playing with the squirty toys, pretending to swim. It's an easy way to keep them occupied for about 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes. Here are some pictures I've taken recently - don't worry, they're G-rated!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lego Mania

P. had Monday and Tuesday off this week for March Break. One of the many fun things he and G. did was to buy Lego. This is our first experience with Lego and given that G. has built something every chance he's had since they bought the Lego, I think it's a new hobby for him!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green Day


And Happy Birthday to David - have a great day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Random weekend shots

We had a really fun weekend of visiting with family. And we also caught up on some much needed relaxation time. Here are some pics!

T. doing a puzzle with Nana and Poppa looking on

S. and T.

Poppa opening his birthday present

S. and T. doing a puzzle together

P. and T. dancing in the morning

Cuddle time

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bring on summer!

Yesterday we had a new patio door installed. I am so happy with how it all looks. Now we can start talking about painting that room. For those of you who don't know P. and I generally talk about things for a year or two before we actually do the job! A special thanks to Grandma as the money she gave P. and I for Christmas went towards this new door! Thank you!!!

This is the before picture.

Here is Walter working on taking out the old patio door. We've had him twice now to install windows and he's great.

New patio door! Now it might be hard to tell from the picture how different they are. But take my word for it. And I am pretty sure the living room is now a couple of degrees warmer since this new patio door is WAY more energy efficient!

I would not hesitate to use Beverly Hills Home Improvements again. Great company and great service!

Best feature of the patio door: the child lock at the TOP! Ingenious! Sure beats the wooden bar we had shoved in the bottom of our old door!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last gym class...

Today was the last gym class for T. and I. It was something we got to do together for 10 weeks and we both loved it. I finally remembered to take the camera to capture the fun we had!

This was his favourite vehicle to ride on. He would reluctantly share it with the other kids - mostly because I made him.

The large soft blocks were one of our favourite places to play. T. loved to balance on the skinny ones and throw himself off of the tall ones. That child has very little fear when it comes to gross motor activities!

I see you!!! Peek a boo!

This picture is really blurry, but I love it so much. It is so T.

Little artist at work. He didn't spend much time at the craft sections...too much running and jumping to do!

And at the end of the class, we always had circle time. Here, he is clapping to "The More We Get Together". He would say his name in a cute, quiet voice when it was his turn. Great memories were made during these past 10 weeks - hopefully as many of them are his as they are mine. Thanks T. I loved going to 'gym' with you!