We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
Here are the boys (& Auntie S.) playing with the train under the tree at Nana and Poppa's

The remotes are always a big hit!

Poppa making sure they don't wreck his train!

An excited little boy

Christmas morning, on our bed, opening stockings. So much fun!

Waiting patiently for Daddy to make his coffee so they can dive in!

And after...lots of Lego!
Doing some Colour Explosion and Lego on Christmas morning

The necklace P. made for me - he carved it out of wood! It's called 'raven's wing'. I love it so much!
Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's

T. making baby P. laugh - over and over. So cute!

Boxing Day morning - playing "Guess Who?"
It was such a fun and fabulous Christmas!
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