Saturday, February 23, 2013

P is 41!

Tonight we celebrated P's 41st birthday. We have now celebrated more than 20 of his birthdays together. Wow!

G took this picture. I love it so much.

This was G's idea. Chocolate cake with pieces of Mars Bars (P's favourite chocolate bar) all over it. BIG hit!

We always put clues on everyone's presents at birthday time - P is trying to figure out what this one is - actually he probably knew right away. He is the master of creating clues and me? Not so much.

Reading his new Walking Dead Compendium!
Happy Birthday my cute. Here's to many many more birthday celebrations!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Quincy 2013

P built a Quincy yesterday and he and the boys slept in it last night.

Yup, that was their home for 10 hours! Brrrr!

Friday, February 8, 2013

A REAL snow day!

I did half of the driveway...

Lots and lots of snow!

The boys made this their fort and played in their for hours1

Then they decided to climb the tree - can you see G?

Our street - very white!

Happy Mommy playing in the snow!

Um Tristan? You have a little something on your nose...

Every year we take the snow from the driveway and build a hill to toboggan down.

Last week Paul and the boys made these coloured ice blocks.

They came in handy to make the entrance to the fort look cool!

Now to get in our pjs and warm up - what a great snow day!

Monday, February 4, 2013


The boys and I built a tunnel on Saturday

As you can see, they had a blast playing in it!

Love this series of photos - the joy on T's face is awesome!


Have I mentioned that that swing was the best thing we have EVER bought?

We've been experimenting with mixing colours and freezing water in various containers.
P and G and T have been busy!

Writing in the snow with a spray bottle filled with water and food colouring

Creeper! (from Minecraft)

Mixing colours to do more freezing - great winter activity!