Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas with P!

Christmas Day!

Opening stockings Christmas morning

The calm before the storm!
A tree full of presents and they choose to assemble their Lego guys from their stockings!

BIG Lego!
Building, building, building!

G watching intently
T with his new Squinkies house

P with the Squinkies house
T helping P

M and P and G.G.
T opening a present with Daddy
Me taking a picture of G taking a picture of me

Christmas Eve

Making reindeer food

And cookies for Santa!

We're ready for his arrival!
Fenwick pajamas!

Decorating with fabric markers from Fenwick
Sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn

Very interesting in Poppa's trains

Christmas decorations

Karate Grading 2011

P and G both did great and earned their blue belt with 2 stripes (G) and brown belt (P!) Great job!